Enjoy life like an Istrian


Only local and seasonal

Making of traditional wine vinegar

Making of traditional wine vinegar

How was wine vinegar produced in ancient times in Istria? This article reveals an ancient recipe from Tone, a small winemaker coming from a sleepy hamlet near Pazin.

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Istrian pešt on toasted bread

Istrian pešt on toasted bread

Istrian pešt is natural Istrian flavor enhancer because only it is indispensable in preparation of Istrian maneštra and gives it that particular flavor. Here we use it for a simple bite size treat or amouse bouche.

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Porcini, chestnuts and more mushrooms recipes

Porcini, chestnuts and more mushrooms recipes

I spent a weekend on Velebit, a mountain on the Adriatic coast between Rijeka and Zadar I am especially fond of. The weather was ideal, the Sun came after a lot of rain so there was plenty of mushrooms. We found three types of mushrooms – Parasol mushrooms (Macrolepiota procera), porcini (Boletus edulis) and field mushroom (Agaricus campestris), all easily recognizable and practically impossible to confuse them with some poisonous mushroom. Here are few recipes with them.

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Tangerine almond cake by Jeanne

Tangerine almond cake by Jeanne

A cult gluten free cake recipe invented by Jeanne, wife of Čedo who I often call the guru of new Dalmatian cuisine. Jeanne and Čedo are a couple who graciously enjoy Dalmatian way of life in Trogir hinterland. This simple and elegant cake combines ingredients that can be found in many gardens in Dalmatia – tangerines and almonds.

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Pumpkin gnocchi with crispy savoy cabbage

Pumpkin gnocchi with crispy savoy cabbage

This dish plays with contrasts between sweetness of pumpkin and bitterness of savoy cabbage, softness of gnocchi and crunchiness of the vegetables while visually it can fool the audience.

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The best ever Istria food tour with Gareth from Travel Deeper

The best ever Istria food tour with Gareth from Travel Deeper

In mid June Nikola and me took world famous travel YouTuber Gareth Leonard on quite extraordinary food tour showcasing the best and most authentic produce of Istrian terroir. Gareth’s video that follows is a wonderful, dynamic and really fun dive into that wonderful day where us at EatIstria tried to showcase what is usually under…

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Orehnjača and makovnjača recipe

Orehnjača and makovnjača recipe

Learn how to make arguably the most popular Croatian cakes made all along the coast as well as in the continental part.

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Goat cheese with jujube jam and toasted almonds

Goat cheese with jujube jam and toasted almonds

Morana, my comrade from Taste of Croatia, invented this simple dessert when she was still pregnant and successfully satisfied her unusual cravings during the night. Katja, the baby, is now on this World so here is a recipe I dedicate to this small angel.

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Visiting Dalmatia

Visiting Dalmatia

An unforgettable day in May 2012 with chef Dalmatino from Trogir hinterland.

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